Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Until we Go

the line fades all winter
but then that sun rises and makes the landscape
light warm and pleasant and you know this
because you can see the dust hang in the air

there is a silence we go to
a silence we crave all our days
a silence that eludes nearly all of us

until we go

go down toward where strong bones
take control

where there is life there is time and where there is time
we pace the pattern into our eternal carpets
and hum tunes we really do not know when driving

so many years on the road to somewhere
she forgot to define exactly

the journey lies as the droplets form into rain
not wasted, but spent
again and forever again

the pulse of fluid over the planet
and our model motor
pushing us about
from daughter to daughter

the well oiled shoe
makes no noise
and we sit in our cubicles
waiting to be served

laughter and echoes falling down from
extraordinary clouds that muster
spirit from how she was adored

It does not really end like this

Saturday, June 21, 2003


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